As the coronavirus continues to dominate headlines and conversations around the world, many people are wondering how exactly we should define the outbreak: epidemic or pandemic? Last week ...
It really is learning a new language. What's the difference between an epidemic and a pandemic? An epidemic is a disease that affects a large number of people within a community, population ...
Basic English acknowledges that a pandemic is an epidemic of global extent. It’s thus repetitious to use the two together”. When we consider that humanity is under a coronavirus attack and ...
As exemplified by the ongoing coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic major infectious diseases ... It is important to strengthen epidemic prevention by applying lessons learned on epidemic ...
I have always been fascinated by the key moments that halt an epidemic. Studying these moments provides some insight into how and why one outbreak may become a deadly pandemic, while another does not.
Also of concern is the United States’ ability to manage other major public health challenges, such as the worsening U.S. opioid epidemic.The synthetic opioid fentanyl, in particular, has become ...
The fact that the world remains underprepared for such future health catastrophes is underscored by experts such as Maria Van Kerkhove, an American epidemiologist who heads the World Health ...