The uterus is lined with a tissue called the endometrium. When cancer grows in this lining, it’s called endometrial cancer. Most cancers of the uterus are endometrial cancer. If left ...
When a damaged area is visible on a scan, it is known as a lesion. Sometimes, people with MS remain in a stable condition, others experience symptoms that worsen rapidly, while some have symptoms ...
Endometrial polyps (or uterine polyps) are small fingerlike growths inside your uterus (womb). You can have one or multiple polyps, ranging in size from a small seed (a few millimeters ...
Objective: To evaluate the impact of depth of cervical stromal invasion (CSI) on the prognosis of International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) stage II endometrioid endometrial cancer ...
Endometriosis is a condition that can affect females. It happens when tissue that is similar to that of endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus. It can be difficult to diagnose and carries ...
Dr Chapman-Davis, welcome to the Medscape InDiscussion: Endometrial Cancer podcast. Eloise Chapman-Davis, MD: Thank you so much, Dr Matulonis. I'm so excited to be able to participate in this ...
Background: This case–control study aimed to examine the association between the frequency of potentially risky beverage consumption, levels of anxiety, and the prevalence of endometrial polyps.
Gradually, Gargett and her team not only discovered stem cells in the human endometrium, but also characterized and started exploring the endometrial stem cells’ potential applications in improving ...