How common is endometrial cancer? In the United States, cancer of the endometrium (the lining of the uterus) is the most common cancer of the female reproductive organs. The American Cancer Society ...
The use of OCs is associated with an increased risk of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical cancer. [42] This risk is correlated to the duration of use. The mechanism is unclear ...
The majority of women with uterine fibroids are asymptomatic, consequently get less clinical attention and fibroid tumors often remain undiagnosed. [23,24] Symptomatic women typically complain ...
Fibroid degeneration occurs when a uterine fibroid outgrows its limited blood supply and begins to die. Fibroids are benign uterine growths made of smooth muscle cells and fibrous tissue. Some people ...
You need to respect your speakers. By which we don't mean bowing down to them and calling them 'My Lord', but placing them somewhere they have room to do their job and sound their best. So not on a ...
Each month, the lining of your womb (scientific name 'endometrium') thickens up. This thickened endometrial tissue is called a 'decidual lining'. Normally, if you're not pregnant, you'll ...