Emergency contraception (postcoital contraception, the "morning-after pill") has been available for almost 30 years but remains vastly underutilized. As many as 50% of undesired pregnancies could ...
But it's best to take it as soon as you can. (Photo Credit: The Image Bank RF/Getty Images) Like other forms of birth control, emergency contraception stops you from getting pregnant. The ...
To many, the thought of an unplanned pregnancy may be daunting and results in a rush for a solution when a method of contraception fails or isn't used. Emergency contraception (EC), which is ...
Some brand names of emergency contraception that contain levonorgestrel are EContra EZ, My Way, Next Choice One Dose, Plan B One-Step, Preventeza, Take Action, Fallback Solo, and Opcicon One-Step.
The University of Connecticut has placed vending machines with the emergency contraceptive Plan B on its campus in an effort to expand access to contraception. The university is the first ...
Emergency contraceptive pills would continue to require a doctor's prescription for the time being, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said on Thursday, after a multi-stakeholder meeting the same ...
Wade — allows licensed pharmacists to prescribe contraception at pharmacies across the state following a brief training program and also permits over-the-counter medications like the emergency ...
The University of Maryland offers free sexual health, contraception and healthcare supplies that can be found in the ...
Some of the items have been removed and the Library is establishing a policy to set parameters on items included, said ...
O bject & Animal present Your Partner For After, the latest work from acclaimed director Haya Waseem, created in ...
However, if it is indeed true that pregnancy following rape is extremely rare, then this could be taken to strengthen the argument against giving “emergency contraception” to rape victims,(6 ...