After an Independence vote in East Timor, Pro-Indonesian militia kill over a thousand.
To make a direct call to East Timor From Vanuatu, you need to follow the international dialing format given below. The dialing format is same for calling East Timor mobile or land line from Vanuatu.
To make a direct call to East Timor From Malaysia, you need to follow the international dialing format given below. The dialing format is same for calling East Timor mobile or land line from Malaysia.
The territorial boundary of the area dates back to the Portuguese colonial period. Oecusse was where the Portuguese first established themselves around the mid-sixteenth century. It is thus widely ...
XIAMEN, Feb. 15 (Xinhua) -- Flight 8G881, from Timor-Leste's capital Dili, landed in Xiamen at 10:40 p.m. local time on Friday, marking the official opening of the first direct passenger flight route ...
Winter weather was forecast to shift east on Tuesday (NWS Riverton/X) “With the support of a jet stream in the upper levels, the snow will become more focused across eastern Oklahoma into ...
East is south, west is north… the cryptic title of Beau Willimon’s new AI-themed drama is presented as a mantra that isn’t supposed to make sense but it’s very difficult indeed to feel involved ...
Beijing, 16 fev (Xinhua) -- Um voo entre Xiamen, cidade costeira no sudeste da China e Dili, foi feito em 14 de fevereiro, marcando a inauguração da primeira rota direta de passageiros entre China e ...
That amount represents at least 11.5 per cent of Timor-Leste's total GDP of $4.55 billion — a sum that experts warn is a significant financial burden for the small South-East Asian nation.
A Singapore-based developer has signed a deal with the government of Timor-Leste to develop the republic’s first casino resort. In an 11 February filing, Asia-Pacific Strategic Investments Ltd (APS) ...