RGB backlit TVs are coming, and you're going to hear a lot about them in the next few years. They're the next big development in LCD TVs, and they take the technology used in the best mini-LED TVs ...
iQOO is gearing up to expand its Z-series with the launch of the iQOO Z10 Turbo Pro, expected to debut in China later this year. Set to succeed the iQOO Z9 Turbo+, which launched in September 2024, ...
而现在有最新消息,近日有数码博主已经开始晒出了新一代的iQOO Z10 Turbo的电池细节。 据知名数码博主@数码闲聊站 最新发布的信息显示,iQOO旗下 ...
目前,iQOO Z系列在售的机型中电池最大的是iQOO Z9 Turbo+,其拥有6400mAh超薄蓝海电池,Z10 Turbo Pro的7500mAh电池,将会为iQOO手机的续航能力带来跨越式 ...
此前,该博主已透露,iQOO Z10 Turbo标准版将搭载天玑8400处理器,高配版则采用骁龙8s Elite处理器,配备6.78英寸1.5K分辨率的LTPS护眼直屏,并内置超过 ...
Therefore, the Z10 Turbo Pro, which is expected to feature the Snapdragon 8s Elite chip, may arrive with 7,500mAh + 90W combination to rival the Redmi Turbo 4 Pro.
The brand’s 116-inch RGB LED TV, dubbed the UX Trichroma TV, uses a new kind of LED lighting system with the potential to shake up the market. The system can’t turn each tiny pixel on or off ...
今天,我们来聊聊一款被市场低估的C级车——领克Z10。它官方指导价在18.68-28.28万元,定位为中大型车,起步18万多,性价比较高。然而,它的销量 ...
而现在有消息称,vivo即将推出的全新一代iQOO Z10 Turbo部分配置细节已经开始流传。 根据知名数码博主@数码闲聊站 最新发布的信息显示,iQOO Z10 Turbo将提供标准版和Pro版两个版本,主要在性能上有所不同。标准版将搭载天玑8400处理器,而Pro版则配备SM8735(骁龙8 ...
小天才Z10柯南版儿童电话手表限量工藤新一z10z912巅峰版青少年初高中无游戏,现在京东商城有限时优惠活动,原价1999元,现在购买可以享受满999减100元的优惠券活动,实际到手价只需1899元。这款手表外观时尚,表带柔软舒适,非常适合孩子佩戴。而且支持高清 ...