It’s also called periodontitis. Without treatment, it can damage the gum tissue above and around your teeth. Periodontitis can even damage your jawbone and teeth if it’s left too long.
Teeth grinding, or bruxism, can happen day or night. But sleep bruxism is much harder to treat since many of us don’t even know we’re doing it. The condition is often only detected when ...
For example, this may include soup, smoothies, yogurt, or oatmeal. Wisdom teeth refer to the last set of adult teeth to grow in. Also known as third molars, they are the furthest back teeth in the ...
Dental plaque is a sticky, colorless film that forms on teeth. It makes teeth "feel fuzzy" to the tongue and is most noticeable when you haven't brushed your teeth recently. Although dental plaque ...
An underbite is a term for a dental condition characterized by lower teeth that extend outward farther than the upper front teeth. This condition is also called a Class III malocclusion or ...
It's really strange the toothpaste is black but when you're finished and you look in the mirror your teeth are white." — PortraitArtist Meet the experts Dr. Rich Lipari is a cosmetic dentist at ...
Whether you’re talking about sharks, crocodiles, lions, or even velociraptors, some of the most fearsome traits of these predators involve their rows of sharp, crushing, or jagged teeth. Only ...
Teeth whiteners can help you get a brighter smile from the comfort of your home. These are the best teeth-whitening products on the market. A trip to the dentist can quickly end up costing you a ...
“Hydrogen peroxide works by breaking down into water and oxygen, which oxidizes stains and bleaches teeth,” says cosmetic dentist Dr. James Heaton. “Carbamide peroxide is a combination of ...
“If it doesn’t have that ingredient, it’s not going to be whitening your teeth,” says Dr. Ben Winters, a.k.a “the Bentist.” The ADA website says, “The bleaching action in chemically ...
To get to the bottom of all things teeth whitening, we turned to Dr. Joyce Kahng, an award-winning cosmetic dentist who shares dental tips and combats misinformation on Instagram and TikTok to ...
Cavities, or tooth decay, are small holes in the teeth. As a result, there is no natural way to remove them at home. Only a dentist can fix a cavity by filling it in. That said, home care can ...