He was no Robert Frost. Academics and poetry afficionados considered him a lightweight, his body of work simplistic and sentimental. But from Americans struggling through two world wars and the ...
Heidi’s word ‘If you don’t quit you win’ Heidi shared with my friend. ‘Every day on the mission field is so, so hard but every day God speaks into my heart: If you don’t quit you win, so don’t quit.
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Spaar recently taught a January-term poetry workshop, where she had students read each other’s work aloud. “Having another poet cover your poem in a way allows you to hear things in it you wouldn’t ...
And, of course, escapism is a supply-and-demand business. As the world requires more of the people in it, it also offers more ...
Coincidentally, later that day, Twitter user @backwoodbuddha [2] posted a screenshot of a person sending her that exact message, gaining over 13,000 retweets and 66,000 likes (shown below, left). In ...