About 20 bottlenose dolphins, including mothers and their calves, have been leaping through the waves and interacting with surfers near Pacifica and San Francisco every day this past week. Though ...
Jerry McArthur is a B.C.-based entrepreneur who has dedicated his career to exploring the ocean. A recent encounter in Howe ...
A dead dolphin washed up on the shores of Astoria early Friday morning — just days after a pair of the majestic mammals ...
The adult sea lions are being found just as rescue centers gear up for saving sea lion pups that typically are found ...
The adult sea lions are being found just as rescue centers gear up for saving sea lion pups that typically are found ...
Pigs are most commonly known as barn animals but in reality, they’re one of the smartest mammals in the world. They are a ...
Many people living in Southeast Asia often think they have to visit Australia, the United States or Japan to see whales, but ...
Tropical rainforests don’t give up their secrets easily. ... That’s why it’s so rewarding to see these incredible images.” ...
The Magnificent California Bay Superpod. Last week, on a bright Friday morning, Evan Brodsky and his crew from a renowned ...
A California boat captain has captured rare video of a super pod of more than 2,000 dolphins off the coast of Monterey Bay.
The Institute for Marine Mammal Studies or IMMS is the only permitted organization in Mississippi that responds to strandings and has rehabilitation facilities for marine mammals and sea turtles.