但大家可能不知道,数据丢失后若随意选用一些来路不明、安全性存疑的数据恢复软件,极有可能让情况变得更糟。部分软件技术不成熟,在恢复过程中不仅无法成功找回数据,还可能因算法漏洞进一步破坏存储设备的数据结构,导致数据二次丢失,增加恢复难度甚至使数据彻底无法 ...
Disk Drill offers a solution to data recovery that I found to be interesting enough for a chin rub and a thumbs up. As the scruff on my beard understands it, Disk Drill offers a very cool features ...
This easy-to-use free data recovery tool can preview files before you restore them, but there is an overall data limit Disk Drill is an excellent free file recovery program because of its long ...