Regenerative medicine is the branch of medicine that develops methods to regrow, repair or replace damaged or diseased cells, organs or tissues. Regenerative medicine includes the generation and ...
A scheme to fell hundreds of trees across Brighton is continuing with some public concern as the council attempts to stop the spread of ash dieback and elm disease. On Monday work to fell 150 ...
Prune back your winter-flowering shrubs like mahonia and Winter Jasmine. Remove dead- diseased and damaged and cut back any long shoots hanging down so they don’t form new roots. Take off around ...
Illegal and potentially unsafe meat is making its way into the UK, according to reports. Meat entering the UK without an export health certificate (EHC) does not meet the country’s required ...
In most cases, death occurs within a year. Variant CJD. This is an infectious type of the disease. It is related to “mad cow disease.” Eating diseased meat may cause the disease in humans. The meat ...
Remove diseased and damaged leaves, and apply a fungicide to prevent the rest of the plants ... Because these plants grow and die early in the season, plant them with other shade-loving perennials ...