“Dear Barbara,” it begins, “The doctor here at Lackland AFB, in San Antonio, Texas, told me right after I endured six or seven needle shots of something, that I had something called a ‘deviated septum ...
(You can also snap a photo of the underside of your nose.) If your nostrils appear uneven or are different sizes, you might have a deviated septum. You can also try this simple self-test for a ...
It can be damaged when the nose is broken or fractured. Certain health conditions like deviated septum and cleft palate can also affect the vomer bone. Rarely, tumors of the sinuses can also form ...
Yes, a deviated septum can indirectly cause ear issues by disrupting proper nasal airflow and drainage. This may affect the eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear to the back of the nose ...
Your nose has many responsibilities, including cleaning the air you breathe in, providing a sense of smell and giving tone to your voice, so when it’s not functioning properly it can impact your ...