Jan. 13, 2025 — Scientists have found that a test to detect circulating tumor DNA can predict lung cancer ... Lung Cancer Test Predicts Survival in Early Stages Better Than Current Methods Jan.
The gold standard for finding lung cancer early is computed tomography (CT) lung cancer screening. However, this is limited to people who have smoked. Currently, there are more non-smokers (never ...
Lung cancer liver metastases are tumors that form in the liver from cancer cells that have broken away from the primary cancer and spread through the blood or lymphatic system. The liver is a common ...
A lung biopsy involves the removal of tissue or growths from the lungs. A doctor will use special devices, such as a fine needle, to remove the sample. A lung biopsy can help diagnose lung ...
The proportion of people who have never smoked being diagnosed with lung cancer is rising, with new research pointing to air pollution as a growing contributor to lung cancer around the world.
Jan. 9, 2025 — Researchers have shown that a test called ORACLE can predict lung cancer survival at the point of diagnosis better than currently used clinical risk factors. This could help ...
General physical examination and vital signs were normal. There was no oedema or tenderness of both lower limbs. There were fine inspiratory crepitations over the right infrascapular and infraaxillary ...
In a recent systematic review, a number of symptoms were reasonably specific, including a history of myocardial infarction (89% specificity), orthopnoea (89%), cardiomegaly (85%), added heart sounds ...
For both research and clinical purposes, measures of lung involvement should ideally be (1) sensitive enough to detect abnormalities early and directly reflect changes in disease severity, either ...
COPD is a progressive lung disease with mild symptoms in the early stages that gradually worsen. Early diagnosis and treatment can help preserve lung function. People with COPD often have trouble ...
On physical examination, oedema was 2+ but there was no pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing or lymphadenopathy. Chest auscultation revealed bilateral basal crepitations. Routine laboratory ...