A closer look at how Sir Richard Branson tried and failed to bring supersonic capabilities to the Virgin Atlantic fleet.
Similar to a delta wing, the Soviet-developed Tu-144 incorporated special retractable foreplanes (canards) to improve lift ...
Of all the factors that killed off Concorde more than two decades ago, it was the jet’s thunderclap-loud sonic boom that ...
The Colorado-based company says specialized photography from NASA shows the shock waves as Boom’s supersonic demonstrator ...
Mr Kachoria said that minimising the noise of a supersonic aircraft on take-off was as important as reducing the boom given the latest US and European regulations. Spike plans to use a modified ...
A "son of Concorde" aircraft that may one day fly from New York to London in 1.5 hours has reached supersonic speeds. An incredible image shows Boom Supersonic's XB-1 jet breaking the sound barrier.
In a stunning series of images, NASA has revealed the moment an experimental supersonic aircraft broke the sound barrier without producing a sonic boom audible at ground level. The images were ...
NASA captures a historic image of the XB-1 supersonic jet breaking the sound barrier without a loud boom, marking a breakthrough.
Celebrities travelling on the last passenger Concorde flight told today of their sadness that the supersonic aircraft was ceasing commercial operation. Ms Bussell, who is five months' pregnant ...
These tests showed that the aircraft’s integration is maturing and cleared a major hurdle that moves it one step closer to first flight. Credit: NASA/Carla Thomas NASA’s X-59 supersonic jet has ...