The CCREC said they reviewed both immigration proposals and agreed by a nearly unanimous vote that Governor DeSantis pitch was better.
Colorado State University researchers issued a report predicting Collier County's odds of being hit ... storms have passed nearby since 1851. The map shows storm paths based on location points ...
Red tide is caused by a harmful algae bloom. It can bring respiratory problems and even fish kills in high concentrations.
Costco has two companion petitions working their way through Collier County's development review and approval process. At the neighborhood meeting, held at the Florida Sports Park recreation hall ...
Collier County has enacted a burn ban. County commissioners authorized the ban Tuesday, which became effective immediately. It applies in all unincorporated areas, outside of city limits.
COLLIER COUNTY, Fla. — As federal immigration raids ... and one another are all asked if they are a resident of the United States," Rambosk said. With a new administration in office, the sheriff ...
GET IT ON G E T I T O N Collier County Sheriff Kevin Rambosk talked ... So, whether it be a state law or a federal law that is enforceable by us, we carry out the mission and the law.” ...
The Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FHSMV) "Crash Dashboard" keeps track of all of the incidents on roads around Florida, from interstates to state ... Lee County had 125 and Collier ...
Balart's district was racially drawn will be considered, but dismissed challenges to 2 other congressional seats.
Satellite images published by the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science shows that red tide is blooming in the Gulf, off ...