Pillow, Tennessee on April 12, 1864 100,000+ — Number of Civil War Union corpses found in the South through a federal reinterment program from 1866-1869 303,356 — Number of Union soldiers who ...
All across the Union, Clem was celebrated as a hero. But Johnny Clem wasn't the only young person to be affected by the Civil War. In fact, it would be hard to find a kid that wasn't. When war ...
The African Union warned on Tuesday that the Sudanese civil war has created the “worst humanitarian crisis in the world.” Mohamed Ibn Chambas, chair of an African Union panel on Sudan, said in a ...
Addis Ababa: African Union officials on Tuesday branded Sudan's civil war the "worst humanitarian crisis in the world" and warned it was leaving hundreds of thousands of children malnourished.
African Union officials have described Sudan's civil war the "worst humanitarian crisis in the world" and warned it was leaving hundreds of thousands of children malnourished. This as the ...