Bill Campbell started making clay pots in 1969. He had such an interest in pottery, he decided to go to college.
Businesses and Hobbies expansion pack, the Pottery skill is introduced, offering a creative outlet for Sims who love crafting ...
Many pots, pans, and baking dishes look similar, but they can't all be used on your stovetop. Here's how to know what’s stovetop safe and what definitely isn't.
March Break Art Camp at Art Windsor-Essex This camp gives budding artists a chance to learn new techniques, express ...
The new skills with The Sims 4 Businesses and Hobbies Expansion Pack are Pottery and Tattooing, so here's how your Sims can ...
The American Museum of Natural History is hosting an event, From Kiln To Kimchi: A Celebration of Korean Culture on March 14.
Pottery and the ceramic arts have a long history in the Appalachian mountains and Johnson County. It is an art form that you ...
Clay: A Human History,” by Jennifer Lucy Allan, is a collection of fascinating fragments, from ancient myths to music made in porcelain bowls.
In a world where many meticulously monitor their partner’s Instagram following but seldom scrutinize what’s actually in their ...
Rick Stafford, a nationally known ceramic artist, will give a free talk about his varied career at 3 p.m. Sunday at Northwind Art’s Jeanette Best Gallery, 701 Water St. in Port Townsend.
Michael and Nancy Opresnick bought a vacation home in Lakewood Ranch in 2002, being one of the first ones to buy a home in ...
Now called "The Inspired Home Show," the celebration of kitchen gadgets, cutlery and much more benefits from an ontological approach.