(罗马22日讯)意大利罗马近期发生一起离谱的医疗事故,一名35岁男子原本只是要拔智齿,却因医院检体搞错,被误诊为罹患下颚恶性肿瘤,导致下巴整个被切除,还落下右脸瘫痪的永久性伤害,得知真相后,他崩溃直呼,“我根本没病,却白白受了这么多苦!”《自由时报》 ...
A case of a wrong anthem being played and a row over an incomplete logo being used has been a bone of contention ...
(吉林22日讯)中国吉林一名14岁少女在朋友介绍下,私自前往刺青。母亲得知后震怒,将刺青店告上法院,要求赔偿精神损失费。案件经过审理后,法院作出判决。吉林省吉林市昌邑区人民法院近日审理了一起与未成年人刺青相关的案件。事情发生在2023年5月,当时年仅 ...
When designing a new logo, the aim is usually to create an identity that's unique to the brand and that can't be imitated.
Meghan Markle recently revealed that she ditched her ‘American Riviera Orchard’ brand in favor of a new one called ‘As Ever.’ ...