Try adding your contact to a group chat. They won't show up if you're blocked. If you need to know if you've been blocked on WhatsApp, here's how. These methods aren't completely foolproof ...
WHATSAPP has an official list of clues that might mean you've been blocked by a contact. If you're worried that someone has locked you out, there are some signs. Only seeing single grey ticks on ...
Online messaging giant WhatsApp has intensified its crackdown on fraudulent activities, banning over 8.4 million accounts in ...
SC Directs Service Of Section 41A CrPC Notice By Permissible Modes Only. Legal News and Analysis - India - Telecommunications ...
DB Digital ( became the latest South African company to issue a public warning about scammers abusing its name in a fraudulent WhatsApp recruitment scheme. The company released the ...
If you have received a message on WhatsApp from a number with International prefix +234 from Nigeriabe careful: it may ...
Rise in WhatsApp hacking scams targeting VVIPs, police warn against sharing activation codes to prevent financial losses.
Victims reported receiving an OTP request from a known contact’s number and copying that has led to hacking of whats app ...