For years, you've been able to go hours without needing a bathroom break. But lately, it feels like your bladder is running the show. Whether you're cutting conversations short, planning your errands ...
Best Assessment: The bladder diary is the recommended tool to collect information regarding UI. A sample bladder diary is provided on the next page. In addition, screening questions and a helpful ...
How is it diagnosed? The condition is diagnosed mostly with the history and a “bladder diary” where you will be asked to keep ...
They may also ask a person to keep a bladder diary. Read on to learn more about the diagnosis of PBS.
with a 2-week wash-out period before baseline bladder diary entries were made. The primary end point of the study was improvement in the number of urinary incontinence episodes, with a significant ...
Urge urinary incontinence (UUI) is a symptom of overactive bladder. Antimuscarinic agents ... record no urinary incontinence episodes during a diary period) is often used as a measure of treatment ...