LERONE MARTIN: He's known as the Happy Am I preacher, so he has this kind of charisma, smiling, very happy. My name is Dr. Lerone Martin, and I am the director of the Martin Luther King Jr. Research ...
Narratives about the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and ’60s often highlight the influence of the Black church.
A local historic Black church is one step closer to achieving its restoration dreams thanks to a substantial grant. ...
There was no disagreement as to whether we should engage,” says Metropolitan AME pastor Bill Lamar, “but there was definitely ...
One woman, whom we call Aunt Maxine, took the lead. Under her guidance, our church garden yielded 1,200 pounds of produce, from broccoli and corn to collard and mustard greens. Later, we added apple ...
A Satanic religious group's application to hold a 'black mass' at the Kansas Statehouse was approved but drew criticism from ...
The National Trust for Historic Preservation’s African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund is awarding $8.5 million in grants to 30 historically Black Churches as a part of its third annual ...
President and CEO of the National Newspaper Publisher Association, Benjamin Chavis, addresses the State of the Black Press at the NNPA Fund's 2025 Black Press Day event.