The Chicago River is once again glowing kelly green as the city opens its annual St. Patrick’s Day celebrations. Thousands ...
Concerns are mounting after fans noticed Big Bear bald eagle couple Jackie and Shadow's third chick has been conspicuously absent recently.
As winter nears its end and Colorado’s mountains get hit with the latest March snowstorm, climatologists and forecasters are ...
The female bat climbed right into Murphy's hands and is now in the care of the rescue organization. According to the article, ...
Eagles are gorgers, meaning they eat until their crop is completely full. They then rest while it digests. Much like the ...
"Glaucoma in its early phases is really asymptomatic. People have no idea that they have it," says Dr. David Friedman, ...
A large tree fell onto live power lines Friday afternoon in the Beverly Crest area, sparking and smoking as firefighters waited for the power company to de-energize the fallen wires. The tree ...
An Austin birdwatcher was overjoyed to spot a rare painted bunting in their yard and took to Reddit to share the experience.
A bald eagle was released at Belle Isle State Park in Lancaster County on Thursday after six weeks of treatment and care at ...
Flags engender such loyalty and pride, they often become very personal emblems with quirky or quaint nicknames: Old Glory, ...
Iowa's state and county parks, unique museums, natural attractions, historical sites, and rolling hills along the Mississippi ...
When you're the national bird but also need a spa day…” writes the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service over this adorable video of ...