Town Meeting Day is dedicated to local elections across the state of Vermont. The original tradition brought voters together ...
Experts aren't predicting another WA election wipe-out today, but there is a clear winner. Here's everything you need to know ...
Friends of the late Hollywood star Gene Hackman made a telling admission on his status days following his death. Hackman, who ...
The Western Australian Electoral Commission (WAEC) has been condemned following reports of widespread failures across the ...
Australian climate activist and financier Simon Holmes a Court has called on voters frustrated by major parties to support ...
The SEP has formally challenged and launched a public campaign against the Australian Electoral Commission’s rejection of our ...
ANALYSISWhen it comes to the issue of inflation, policymakers often have a very different perspective to that of the average ...
Greenlanders voted to rebuff President Trump’s bid to control their icebound, mineral-rich island and to restore calm after a ...
Punters at various polling booths in Perth were forced to vote at alternative locations after booths ran out of papers as ...
There were two items on this year’s ballot in Waterbury that would move town budget decisions and public questions to Australian ballot. “It makes me sad that people are thinking that it’s ...
The Western Australian Electoral Commission (WAEC) says it will investigate the issues that arose on election day, including a ballot paper shortage, once votes are counted. The Premier Roger ...
Political hacks and pollsters alike are gearing up for Saturday’s State election. And while they’ve got the voting know-how ...