and workers using particularly rough handling methods such as tossing live fish, stomping on them, and slamming them into concrete. Aquatic farming methods vary significantly across the world because ...
Can fish feel pain? The debate rages among scientists as to whether fish do, in fact, feel pain or are just reacting ...
As the star of Nat Geo WILD’s Monster Fish, Hogan guides viewers on a global quest for these aquatic behemoths. “Freshwater biodiversity conservation—including animals like the Mekong ...
A press release from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources: “Pick it or Ticket.” That’s what will happen if people don’t do their part to stop the spread of aquatic invasive ...
Fish caught by children who live next to a hatchery on Manila Bay ... PHOTOGRAPH BY RANDY OLSON Experiments show that microplastics damage aquatic creatures, as well as turtles and birds: They ...
Nijs expects the doorbell to be live for three or four months ... just as thousands are tracking the Dutch fish camera in hopes of giving the aquatic animals a friendly assist.