【本文由小黑盒作者@crystalz于02月09日发布,转载请标明出处!】 前言 天天和电脑、手机打交道,一个好看的桌面壁纸当然是必不可少的了! 今天我们分享些不错的「高清二次元壁纸 & 动漫壁纸网站」给大家。 1K~8K ...
That, in a nutshell, is the premise behind Sakamoto Days, a hit new Netflix anime that’s taking the streaming giant by storm (it’s #5 in the US today) and which is based on the beloved manga ...
Netflix’s continued investment in anime has yielded fruit over the past couple of years. The streaming service has amassed a selection of some of not only the most popular and iconic anime ...