Are seed oils or animal fats, like butter and tallow, better for you? Experts discuss the benefits and downsides, and the healthiest types.
Palm oil is in nearly everything – it’s in close to 50% of the packaged products we find in supermarkets, everything from pizza, doughnuts and chocolate, to deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste and lipstick ...
G-Oil is biodegradable (no word about the nasties that used oil holds in suspension, though) and made from animal fat that would typically be discarded by slaughterhouses.
A large new study following mortality data over 30 years makes the case for consuming olive oil, canola oil, and soybean oil ...
Researchers from Nanjing University have published a research article in ExRNA, presenting a novel approach for detecting ...
The research suggests that a simple dietary change, in the form of a fish oil supplement taken by fathers, might help address this pressing health concern. The number of young people ages 5 to 19 ...
COOK with olive oil instead of butter if you want to live longer, scientists say. A study found people who eat more plant fats than animal fats are less likely to die young. They said the single ...
Even the oil formed during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, when dinosaurs thrived, is overwhelmingly derived from algae and plankton rather than animal remains. This reality underscores the c ...