To avoid this, anger must align with a vision for positive change. It must remain grounded in purpose and guided by reason, compassion, and an unwavering commitment to the greater good.
Evidence for the positive effects of intermittent fasting continues to mount: a new study shows that for people with obesity, it can lead to additional weight loss, as well as improved regulation for ...
When we visualize positive future outcomes, our brains release dopamine, a neurotransmitter linked to motivation and reward. From an evolutionary perspective, hope has played a vital role in human ...
Even with negative events, the culture must stay positive. Every business has setbacks, project cancellations, and external events that can sap the energy from your team members and override the ...
Some organisms live and reproduce in oxygen-poor or oxygen-deficient environments. These types of organisms also need ATP to sustain life. To obtain the required energy they undergo anaerobic ...
COVID-19 is alive in new forms and still making people sick. While the pandemic is behind us and infections don’t cause the same level of fear for most of us as they once did, that doesn’t mean we ...
Bifidobacterium is pleomorphic, anaerobic, gram-positive bacilli which produce acetic acid and lactic acid as metabolic by-products. It can reduce the effects of Helicobacter pylori infection if used ...