AMD is absolutely dominating the CPU market in Germany: AM5 and AM4 sockets have 92% market share, leaving Intel with a ...
快科技2月5日消息,根据德国最大零售商Mindfactory的数据,AMD的CPU销量达到了23615块,占总销量的92.16%,而Intel的销量仅为2010块,占比7.84%。在收入方面,AMD的CPU销售额高达830万欧元,占总销售额的93.4 ...
IT之家 1 月 26 日消息,Alphacool 本月宣布为其高性能产品线 Apex 系列推出首批 CPU 分体式水冷头产品:Apex 1 CPU Cooler,包含英特尔 LGA 1700 / 1851 和 AMD AM5 双版本。两款 Apex ...
Luke checks out the latest Endorfy Navis F280 280mm AIO Liquid Cooler - which is very competitively priced in the market. As ...
近日,知名水冷散热解决方案提供商Alphacool正式推出了其Apex系列的首款CPU分体式水冷头——Apex 1 CPU Cooler。此次发布的产品线涵盖了针对英特尔LGA 1700/1851以及AMD ...
It is available for AM5, LGA 1851, and LGA 1700 sockets. The frame sits around your CPU, adding more surface area between your CPU cooler and CPU's IHS. For Intel's 13th/14th Gen processors ...
Third-party CPU coolers come with different mounting brackets according to the motherboard, like AM4, AM5, LGA 1700, LGA 1200, etc. Make sure you check the CPU cooler manual for which bracket will ...
IT之家 1 月 21 日消息,波兰机电散外设厂商 Endorfy 本月 16 日宣布推出 Fortis 5 Black ARGB 单塔式风冷。该全黑化散热器 搭载了较为少见的 14025 规格圆框风扇 ,顶盖下方为整体式 ARGB 灯区。
IT之家1 月 26 日消息,Alphacool 本月宣布为其高性能产品线 Apex 系列推出首批 CPU 分体式水冷头产品:Apex 1 CPU Cooler,包含英特尔 LGA 1700 / 1851 和 AMD AM5 双版本。 两款 Apex 1 CPU Cooler 均高 32.30mm,采用镀镍黄铜 G1/4" 螺纹和镀镍铜底。Alphacool 表示该系列冷头结合了十字 ...
Regardless of whether you're looking for boards with an AM5, AM4, LGA 1700 or the brand spanking new LGA 1851 socket, this guide covers all your bases for a great gaming PC build.