Diverse biomarkers, including PSA, BRCA mutations, PSMA, and AR-V7, guide treatment decisions in advanced prostate cancer management. Emerging biomarkers like ctDNA and PTEN loss offer predictive and ...
“Especially as MRI advanced, so not all elevated PSA automatically meant a biopsy.” Based on the increase in prostate cancer cases across all ages, Siegel emphasized the need to “diagnose it ...
A lung biopsy involves the removal of tissue or growths from the lungs. A doctor will use special devices, such as a fine needle, to remove the sample. A lung biopsy can help diagnose lung ...
were almost three times as high as those for core-needle biopsy ($698 vs $243). Actual payments ($2,398 vs $799) and billed charges ($3,764 vs $1,496) for surgical biopsy averaged two and a half ...
When prostate cancer metastasizes, spreads outside of the prostate itself, it typically affects the structures in its immediate vicinity. Structures near the prostate likely to be involved include ...
Using the Decipher Bladder test to determine each tumor’s molecular subtype, researchers found that NMIBC patients with ...