Winston had given Brown the idea for the celebration dance himself: "We got that celebration from Jameis. Shoutout to Jameis!" A. J. Brown confirms his TD celebration came from @Jaboowins ...
"A.J. Brown did my celebration," Winston said, pulling up his phone to show Kreischer. "Are you serious?" Kreischer asked. "Ohhhhhhh, he did it!" Winston said with a huge smile. "I told him to do ...
Jameis Winston was over the moon seeing AJ Brown honoring his touchdown celebration request. The Super Bowl LIX was a special event and possibly a game-changer for Winston’s career. During the ...
3, Fox Sports Super Bowl correspondent Jameis Winston suggested Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver A.J. Brown try a particular celebration should he have a touchdown during the big game.
Also at media day, Winston asked Eagles wide receiver A.J. Brown for a favor. “Can I help you with your celebration?” Winston asked Brown. “I know at family reunions we talk about the cha ...