Proteins have four levels of structure: primary (amino acid sequence), secondary (local folding patterns like alpha helices and beta sheets), tertiary (overall 3D shape), and quaternary (assembly of ...
Proteins are continually being synthesized, modified, and degraded, and vary among species, tissue, and even cells — how do you capture and describe this ever-changing proteome?
Most of the proteins in your body can be grouped into four categories based on the function they carry out. Category Function Examples Structural Forms supporting frameworks inside cells and forms ...
The goal of this competition is to predict the function of a set of proteins. You will develop a model trained on the amino-acid sequences of the proteins and on other data. Your work will help ...
The mechanism of their anchorage in the membrane remains unclear mostly due to altered versus water proteins affinity of their polypeptides to the environment. They do, however, occupy a key position ...
Essential amino acids are organic compounds that your body needs to function. You can get them from certain foods. Amino acids, often referred to as the building blocks of proteins, are compounds ...