这款氢燃料列车不只是环保技术的突破,规格上也达到了印度现有列车的领先水准。列车最高时速可达110公里/小时,单次可载运2,638名乘客,并搭载1,200 HP引擎,成为全球动力最强的氢燃料列车之一。
Prototypes of the world's fastest high-speed train, the CR450, with a test speed of up to 450 km per hour and an operational ...
Passengers wait inside the departure hall as traffic has been disrupted at the Gare du Nord train station following the ...
澳大利亚信息专员办公室(OAIC)于2024年10月21日发布2则指南:《有关隐私以及开发和训练生成式人工智能模型的指南》(Guidance on privacy and developing and training generative AI ...
2016年里约奥运会冠军在2024年巴黎奥运会女子单打半决赛中遭遇前交叉韧带(ACL)撕裂,她因此推迟了退役计划。 卡罗琳娜·马琳正在积极恢复,并已重返羽毛球场进行训练。 这位2016年里约奥运冠军在2024年巴黎奥运会受伤后,一直在进行康复训练。周三,她在Instagram上分享了一段视频,展示自己在球场上训练的情况。视频中,她用气球模拟击球动作,并在没有球拍的情况下练习移动,以测试膝盖的稳定性 ...
武汉动车段,“万箭齐发”犹如“陆地航母”。#高铁#科技#中国速度 The Wuhan high-speed rail depot, where trains “launch like arrows,” resembles a “land aircraft carrier.” #HighSpeedRail #Technology #ChinaSpeed ...
Concerning outbound passenger trips, the China-Laos Railway carried 59,000 cross-border passengers during the two-month period, up 57.9 percent year on year. Meanwhile, the stable operation of ...
Curtis Stone discovers the influences of tradition and the modern food scene in Hong Kong. He learns how to fold dumplings with a master. explores jars of ancient ingredients and trains with a martial ...