The Texas House on Thursday filed a sweep of education bills including public school finance and school voucher proposals.
Families participating in the program could receive about 85% of the amount public schools collect for each attending student ...
Public school advocates oppose any plan resembling school vouchers saying such programs drain resources from the campuses ...
Gov. Greg Abbott and Speaker Dustin Burrows predict a school voucher bill will pass through the Texas House, which last year ...
A recent budget analysis noted the Texas Senate’s voucher bill could affect the fund if it leads students and teachers to ...
House Bill 3 proposes allocating $1 billion to a program that would allow approximately 100,000 students to use state funds ...
The House bill filed by state Rep. Brad Buckley would offer private school vouchers to all Texas students, including ...
House Speaker Dustin Burrows predicted the House will pass a school voucher plan that Abbott will be able to sign into law by ...
Conservatives can be found on several sides of the school voucher debate, and Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s dream of a school voucher program is caught between them. In states where pro-voucher ...
The Texas Senate’s voucher program would give families $10,000 to fund students’ private school education. “A public school gets just over $6,000 for a public school student so that just doesn’t even ...
Texas House Bill 3 introduces private school vouchers, stirring debate about educational funding and school choice.