Companies that operate social media platforms with an enormous number of users around the world have a responsibility to ...
There is no end to the occurrence of cases in which women are unable to discuss their unexpected pregnancies with anyone and they become isolated. There have also been conspicuous incidents in which ...
【読売新聞】 九州・山口・沖縄の経済規模は、オーストリアやノルウェーなど欧州の中規模国と肩を並べる。日本全体では約1割と言われ、小さく思いがちだが、世界レベルで考えると一国に匹敵する経済力を持っている。さらに、九州経済調査協会は半導 ...
HIROSHIMA — Simose Art Museum, which sits on the coast of the Seto Inland Sea, won this year’s Prix Versailles, a prize ...
The issue is widespread and near historic highs nationally: As of last fall, the median homeowner in the U.S. was paying 42% of their income on homeownership costs, according to the Atlanta Fed. Four ...