Seattle Channel series dedicated to connecting people and ideas. With lectures, debates, and forums recorded around the city at places such as Town Hall, the Seattle Public Library, and the Central ...
Nancy Pearl speaks with author and Booklist editor Donna Seaman about her latest publication, "A River of Books: A life in Reading." In it, Seaman tells the story of her life as defined by books. They ...
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Appt 02907: Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners; CB 120806: An ordinance relating to street racing; adding the crime of racing; ...
The meeting focused on the progress of the Burke Gilman trail maintenance, the importance of the environmental education program, and the potential budget cuts and privatization of the Environmental ...
Agenda: Approval of the Minutes; President's Report; Signing of Letters and Proclamations; Preview of City Council Actions, Council and Regional Committees; Adjournment.
Agenda: Call to Order, Roll Call, Presentations; Public Comment; Appt 02907: Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners; CB 120806: An ordinance relating to street racing; adding the crime of racing; ...