Using a variety of analogy puzzles, SFI researchers have shown that the reasoning abilities of OpenAI’s GPT-4 model fall ...
Using a variety of analogy puzzles, SFI researchers have shown that the reasoning abilities of OpenAI’s GPT-4 model fall short when faced with small changes. Recognizing the limitations of these tools ...
The scale and terms of borrowing in an economy depend on the manner in which wealth is distributed across potential creditors with heterogeneous beliefs about the future. This distribution evolves ...
We study a nonlinear bounded-confidence model (BCM) of continuous-time opinion dynamics on networks with both persuadable individuals and zealots. The model is parameterized by a nonnegative scalar ', ...
Policy Points Cell and gene therapies (CGTs) offer treatment for rare and oftentimes deadly disease, but their prices are high, and payers may seek to limit spending. Total annual costs of covering ...
Drugs can impact the gut microbiome. Here, Algavi and Borenstein developed a machine-learning framework that successfully predicts the impact of thousands of drugs on hundreds of gut microbes, ...
Using a variety of analogy puzzles, SFI researchers have shown that the reasoning abilities of OpenAI’s GPT-4 model fall short when faced with small changes. Recognizing the limitations of these tools ...
The coevolutionary dynamics of lytic viruses and microbes with CRISPR-Cas immunity exhibit alternations between sustained host control of viral proliferation and major viral epidemics in previous ...
Meidenbauer, Kimberely L.; Kathryn E. Scherttz; Janey, Elizabeth A.; Andrew J. Stier; Anya L. Samtani; Kathryn Gehrke; Riley Tuckert Md; Mahedi Hasan and Marc G. Berman To gain a more comprehensive ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ...
Belief dynamics has an important role in shaping our responses to natural and societal phenomena, ranging from climate change and pandemics to immigration and conflicts. Researchers often base their ...