After summarising the tumultuous events of last week in relation to the Bishop of Liverpool, in this article I set out what is currently known in relation to the CNC process that led to his nomination ...
The Sunday gospel lectionary reading for the fourth Sunday before Lent in Year C is Luke 5.1–11, the story of the miraculous catch of fish, as we jump forward into Jesus’ ministry before returning to ...
The Sunday gospel lectionary reading for the fourth Sunday before Lent in Year C is Luke 5.1–11, the story of the miraculous catch of fish, as we jump forward into Jesus’ ministry before returning to ...
questions related to PLF and revision of the pastoral guidance. The addition of pastoral provision/reassurance and the promise not to proceed with PLF or Pastoral Guidance without it. The ...
Andrew Goddard offers an update, diagnosis and proposal. A more detailed analysis is available as a PDF here. Summary In the light of the House of Bishops stating that there will be no further ...
The NT epistle for Candlemas, or the Presentation of Jesus in the temple, is Heb 2.14–18. With its emphasis on the humanity of Jesus, it complements the gospel reading of Luke 2.22–40. Hebrews can be ...