Pedan Marthe Coulibaly, National Coordinator of the Ivorian Coalition of Human Rights Defenders (CIDDH), partner of the OMCT SOS-Torture network, represented civil society at this session and now ...
The SOS-Torture Network is at the heart of the OMCT and is the currently the most important global network striving to put an end to torture and protect human rights defenders. At the outset, in 1985, ...
The Ligue Tchadienne des Droits de L’Homme is a human rights organisation created in 1991 at the start of the democratisation process in Africa, with a vision of defending and promoting human rights.
The Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD) is a non-governmental human rights organisation that was created in 1996 in Dharamsala, India. The organisation aims to protect the human ...
The Israel Public Committee Against Torture in Israel was established in 1990 in response to years-long governmental policies that permitted the use of torture by the Israeli Securities Authority.
The Ethiopian Human Rights Council (HRCO) is a non-governmental organisation that envisages a democratic system, including rule of law and the protection of human rights through monitoring.
Action des Chrétiens Activistes des Droits de L’Homme a Shabunda (ACADHOSHA) is a Congolese civil society organisation specialising in human rights, justice, and the governance of natural resources.
Femmes Actives de Côte d’Ivoire formed in 1999 when a group of young women who share a love of liberty, equality, justice, general welfare, and women found themselves in a think tank working towards ...