Carole Gomez is a graduate assistant in sociology of sport at the Institute of Sport Sciences of the University of Lausanne (ISSUL). She is writing her thesis on how international sports federations ...
La géopolitique de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) est devenue l’un des enjeux stratégiques majeurs du XXIe siècle. Alors que les avancées technologiques dans ce domaine transforment les secteurs ...
Frédéric Jeannin is a Research Fellow for the IRIS’s Climate, Energy and Security program and the Observatory for the Security of Energy Flows and Materials. His work focuses mainly on the ...
Jean-Pierre Maulny is deputy director of the French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS). He holds a Master’s degree in Defence Studies and a Master’s degree in Public Law.
Olivier Yasar de France est normalien, directeur de recherche à l’IIRIS et Stipendiary Lecturer en Théorie Politique au Pembroke College de l’Université d’Oxford, où il enseigne l’histoire des idées ...
Conference organised by IRIS in collaboration with The Stimson Center and supported by Microsoft’s Office of Responsible AI. Conference on « The Future of AI Governance: Ensuring Global Inclusivity », ...