Chocolate brand Lindt is opening a flagship store in London's Piccadilly this March with the UK's biggest pick 'n' mix.
A major UK train company has been slammed for appearing to be 'proud' of charging £4.20 for a two-minute journey. In response to rail fares rising by 4.6% in England and Wales at the start of this ...
Universal Credit claimants will see their payments automatically increase next year, after the DWP set new benefit rates for 2025.
Low-paid workers to get an 80 sick pay guarantee, and the three-day rule will be replaced with pay from day one ...
Now Tesco has confirmed it's British Whole Milk 3.408L (6 Pints) has been discontinued. Shoppers have taken to social media questioning why they have been unable to find the milk product recently.
Fans of Stacey Solomon's Sort Your Life Out on the BBC have said they struggled to watch a 'painful' episode of the show last night.
Parts of the UK will experience temperatures hotter than Spain and Portugal this weekend with "warm" and sunny weather forecast by ...
Drivers could face £1,000 fines or even lose their driving licence if they do not declare one of 110 medical conditions, the DVLA has warned. According to the government website, there is a long list ...
Route 444 will have a new timetable on all days of the week with journey times revised to better reflect current traffic levels. The times of first buses will also change on Sundays with first buses ...
The BBC is reported to be putting on a celebrity version of The Apprentice for its 20th anniversary. Here's who is rumoured to be taking part so far.
Ten new recommendations have been issued by the new government-backed Willow Review to help UK small businesses unlock the ...
Homeowners are furious as they say they are being forced to pay £7,000 each just to park their cars on their own driveways.