Huawei, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and local partner Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) have launched a ...
Huawei est un prestataire international leader en infrastructures et appareils connectés de technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC). Avec des solutions intégrées à travers quatre ...
面对行业数字化转型带来的新机遇与新挑战,运营商应当重新定位自身的B2B业务战略,并结合目前在连接领域的优势,通过云网协同的差异化来满足客户需求。 面对行业数字化转型带来的新机遇与新挑战,运营商应当重新定位自身的B2B业务战略,并结合目前在 ...
We have upgraded the GCI, and created the GDI – the Global Digitalization Index. The GDI measures the maturity of a country's ICT industry by factoring in more indicators for digital infrastructure, ...
今天的华为,就像梅花,梅花飘香是因为她经历了严寒淬炼。我们面临的压力无疑是巨大的,但我们也有增长机会、有组合韧性、有差异化优势、有客户和伙伴的信任和敢于压强式投入。因此,我们有信心战胜艰难困苦,实现持续生存和发展。 轮值董事长 徐直 ...
Aqui no Portal de Gestão de Requisição de Dados Pessoais da Huawei, você pode exercer seus direitos de privacidade e contactar as entidades da Huawei e o Encarregado de Proteção de Dados da Huawei com ...
Fundado en 1987, Huawei es un proveedor líder mundial de infraestructuras de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) y dispositivos inteligentes. Contamos con 207.000 empleados y ...
Huawei procura aumentar el acceso a la tecnología de la información y comunicación. Asimismo, se concentra en el desarrollo sustentable y en la reducción de la brecha digital Una de las políticas ...
创新性提出“一网通城”理念,“城市一张网”体系架构从1.0升级到2.0,实现“一网通城”理念落地;详细阐述城市物理网络的投资、建设和运营模式,赋能城市全域数字化转型。 TMF、Openserve携手华为畅谈人工智能如何帮助南非Openserve绿色转型,以及运营商绿色 ...
Huawei and our partners are exploring the social value of technologies, using internet and digital technologies to improve women’s wellbeing. We are committed to helping women engage in tech and ...
High speed and large capacity make it possible to deliver multiple high-definition video streaming, gaming and AR/VR services while using legacy broadband and IoT devices such as laptops, ...
We have worked with carriers and partners worldwide to accelerate digital transformation and facilitate customers' business success in the 5G era. At the end of 2022, the number of 5G users across the ...