The EU Deforestation and Forest Degradation Regulation (EUDR) is due to come into force in 2026. The text intends to ban ...
For its 14th Annual Symposium, the UNESCO Chair in World Food Systems, co-headed by CIRAD and Institut Agro, will be looking ...
Issues With some 94 million head in all, ruminant production accounts for 44% of Chad's agricultural GDP. For almost 40 years, the country's livestock farmers have faced repeated droughts and flooding ...
One way of combating deforestation effectively is to define priority zones seen as being at particular risk. The difficult ...
Le Règlement européen contre la déforestation et la dégradation des forêts devrait entrer en vigueur en 2026. Ce texte vise à ...
Par ses recherches, l'appui aux producteurs et la formation, le Cirad œuvre depuis 60 ans en faveur du développement d'une agriculture et d'une alimentation durable aux Antilles-Guyane. Les projets de ...
Dans l’ensemble de la région Afrique australe et Madagascar, les interactions entre le milieu naturel et le milieu agricole posent des questions multiples abordées de manière pluridisciplinaire par ...
Welcoming partners Under our cooperation agreements and research projects, we welcome around 130 new partners each year for varying lengths of time, from a few weeks to several years. Building ...
UMR Eco&Sols studies the functioning of soils and low-input tropical and Mediterranean agrosystems. The aim is to use ecological theories to develop agro-ecological practices dedicated to maintaining ...
UR BioWooEB works to address the energy and environmental issues facing southern countries, such as access to decentralized electricity supplies in rural areas, optimization of the energy efficiency ...
O CIRAD, presente na região há mais de 40 anos, desenvolveu uma parceria forte e diversificada, em particular com o Brasil, o gigante mundial da agricultura. Cerca de dez pesquisadores do CIRAD ...