For some families, watching their children swim is commonplace. But for Christine, who requested we use only her family members’ first names to protect their privacy, watching Alison learning how to ...
The number of Californians with untreated mental health conditions is increasing. At its root, the lack of access and insufficient treatment for mental health conditions is driven by declining ...
This story is part of the Pulitzer Center’s nationwide Connected Coastlines reporting initiative. Jessica Calix has tried to make the 33-foot travel trailer she and her son Chago share at a north San ...
As a parent of a child who has medically complex conditions, I’m afraid of what the second Trump administration means for children and youth with special healthcare needs. We don’t know everything ...
On Saturday, May 22, more than 100 youth and adults attended the Youth Media Forum for Social Change at the KCRA Channel 3 Studios in Sacramento. Eleven social media projects and their youth producers ...
In the middle of the room, a couple places objects that are sacred to them: a singing bowl, a trombone. Two shiny, beautiful instruments, full of potential for beautiful sound. The couple rejoins the ...
An estimated 50 percent of children in the United States do not receive regular dental care because of social, economic and geographic barriers to care. Mexican American and Black preschool children ...
Some days, Celia Díaz doesn’t want to get out of bed. But, since she’s the major wage earner in her household, she doesn’t have much choice. Six days a week, she drags herself to the Santa Cruz ...
A California statute allowing nursing homes to make medical decisions for residents incapable of doing that for themselves and who have no family or legal representatives has been ruled ...