Below you will find upcoming conferences, many of which are presented by Landscape Architecture Continuing Education System™ (LA CES™)-approved education providers. Check LA CES to see which sessions ...
Roof produced a 10 percent decrease in building energy use over the winter months. The temperature on the green roof on the hottest summer days can be as much as 59 degrees cooler than conventional ...
The size and location of the Piggyback Yard site along the Los Angeles River offers a unique opportunity to allow the river to regain some of its natural character, create neighborhood enhancement ...
The illustrative Vision Plan shows north-south the extent of the project in the heart of downtown Portland. This includes station areas, adjacent development, redevelopment parcels, cross connections ...
The McMillan Sand Filtration Site is a decommissioned water treatment plant, a twenty-five acres of green space and an abandoned and endangered historic landmark (Most Endangered Properties in 2000 ...
The home’s interior space flows out into the garden. The steel framed door and window panels of the living room and adjacent dining room frame the outdoors where the lush plantings are visible ...
The linear wetland in the middle of the park with terraces covered by a variety of native grasses and wetland plants (view facing north). The terraced wetland is heavily planted to clean the ...
Tulatoli Primary School is situated some 80 miles from Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. Children’s drop-out rates and low attendance levels at primary schools being the main concern, the school ...
The High Line is a public park built on an historic freight rail line elevated above the streets on Manhattan's West Side. Running between Gansevoort and West 30th Streets, the High Line is now one ...
The Professional Practice Library at ASLA houses more than 2,000 volumes on landscape architecture and related fields, and receives more than 130 journals and newsletters. In addition, it has archival ...
For his much-acclaimed "Open Space Sequence," landscape architect Lawrence Halprin knit together a rich open space and pedestrian system punctuated by two dramatic fountains, all in the South Portland ...
0 Post Office Square, Boston MA | Halvorson Design Partnership, Inc. | Friends of Post Office Square, Inc.