Advocates say that even legal citizens are worried, and that many immigrants are now afraid to report crimes to police and are avoiding schools and hospitals.
Policy shift follows a Marshall Project - Cleveland and News 5 Cleveland investigation into the October shooting of a teen by ...
The "Not My Presidents Day" rally drew hundreds to Market Square Park in early February. It was one of several protests that ...
Before 2026 ends, developers and contractors will use millions in public funding for demolition and asbestos removal at an ...
To rebuild a shrinking force and boost safety, Cleveland raised the age limit last year for recruits from 40 to 55.
For Woodland Hills, one of five public charter schools in Breakthrough’s network serving students from kindergarten to eighth ...
A Home for Every Neighbor is designed to take people quickly off the streets and directly into affordable housing. The speedy ...
Merrick has grown exponentially since its beginning and now offers help for women during pregnancy and after-school programs for youths.
The Universalist Unitarian Congregation of Cleveland is out to prove that, with personalized support, fewer people with ...
Tu Bishvat is one of four Jewish New Year celebrations. Tu Bishvat is a day to reflect on their connection to the land and nature as well as spiritual growth. In modern times, many participants will ...
Leading the project is Meadow City Native Plant Nursery, a plant seller in North Collinwood. Meadow City is leasing three ...