STEVENS POINT – The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point’s student-run radio station WWSP 90FM will host its 55th annual 54-hour trivia contest, “Trivia 55: NO LIMIT,” from April 11-13. Since 1970, ...
Police blotters sent out by local law enforcement agencies are now far longer with less than half of the information necessary to produce an informative blotter. Find out ...
PLOVER – The Plover VFW Post 10262 Rifle Squad will host its monthly steak and omelet breakfast fundraiser on Sunday, March 16, from 8:30 a.m. to noon at 2970 Hickory Drive. The menu includes a steak ...
Oops: Police were called to Enterprise Rent-a-Car, 5509 Hwy. 10 East, at 8:19 a.m. when a 45-year-old backed into a parked car. Suspicious: Police were called to the ...
STEVENS POINT – The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point is expanding its social work education with a new online Master of Social Work (MSW) program designed to address workforce needs in child and ...
On April 1, local elections will be held for a variety of offices, including the position of Stevens Point city clerk. The two candidates, Aline Cychosz and Susan Pagel, are running for the role. The ...
Members of the Stevens Point Common Council will soon be asked to vote on creating an administrator position to help oversee city government. Well, a part of the city government. A small part. On ...
STEVENS POINT – The Stevens Point Area Public School District will host a Women’s History Month event featuring six local women in business, education, and community leadership. The event, scheduled ...
JUNCTION CITY – A crash Wednesday morning has closed the right eastbound lane of U.S. Highway 10 near County G, according to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. The incident occurred at ...
STEVENS POINT – Portage County officials this week are reviewing a five-year, $29.8 million plan to improve roads and bridges across the county, aiming to resurface aging highways, enhance safety, and ...
The year was probably about 1956. My family lived at 440 Water St. in Stevens Point. The address was changed to 1555 Water St. many years ago. Our next-door neighbors to the south were the Rossiers.
Folks may have heard that the Stevens Point City Council is considering adding a City Administrator to the list of more than 250 staff who serve our municipality. This is correct. The Personnel ...