It’s 2019 and it’s time to get your workout (exercise) regimen started along with getting back to a fairly clean diet without all the sweets, alcohol and junk food you might have been eating. People ...
This is a very hard topic to bring up. Yet it needs and requires visibility. I took on this particular interview because I know people with chronic pain issues. It’s a situation where the average ...
Halloween is just around the corner and we couldn’t be more excited for spook-tacular costumes, sweet treats, and spell-binding cocktail! With tricks and treats aside, a delicious signature cocktail ...
They are deep frying their turkeys!!! As you might be aware – frying a turkey gets you crispy skin on the outside, moist meat on the inside and the peanut oil adds a delicious slight nutty taste.
Writer Sarah White hit me with a great pitch for this musician I had never heard about: >David Ricard. That I haven’t heard of him means NOTHING. That I loved what I heard when I listened to a ...
It’s time for a bit of insight into one of the pop culture icons in “the now” — meaning someone who makes headlines nearly every day. Not Justin Bieber but it’s someone who gets tons of publicity and ...
Stella Artois is unveiling festive cocktail recipes for Cinco de Mayo this week with a Stella Artois Cidre twist – the Stella Artois Cidre Margarita and the Stella Artois Cidre Paloma. Stella Artois ...
Forest Lawn–Glendale is offering free, guided Summer Sunday morning tours of its Great Mausoleum, which houses the stunning stained-glass re-creation of Leonardo da Vinci’s brilliant and immortal ...
Celebrities never walk the red carpet without having been primped by a hair stylist and a makeup artist. Even when they are KATE BECKINSALE who looks amazing even without makeup, she always has a pro ...
If you are based outside of Los Angeles or So. California (or even if you are here), the name Warden Neil is well-known in Hollywood circles, but it might not be known to the general population- until ...
Azature— a name you might not have heard but one I have known about for about 2 years. Interestingly enough, we met at a private sample sale. Fun– because I got some great input from him on the shoes ...
We love sweets and who better than a "sweetie" like Napoleon Perdis to give us a sweet cleanser– one that removes makeup easily but doesn’t strip skin– leaving us feeling soft, smooth and hydrated– ...