En septembre 2024, l’Office européen des brevets (OEB) refusait un brevet concernant des chimères homme-cochon, sur base des ...
La proposition de déréglementation des OGM, formulée par la Commission européenne en juillet 2023, a été présentée et ...
Les moustiques véhiculent des agents pathogènes à l’origine de maladies comme le paludisme ou la dengue, appelées de ce fait ...
En 2024, les informations sur les séquences numériques (DSI) – expression dont la définition reste à établir – issues des ...
Since July 2023, the issue of patents on living organisms has been at the heart of debates in the European Union. These debates were sparked by the European Commission’s proposal to stop assessing the ...
“The Spirit of Asilomar and the Future of Biotechnology” summit will occur on the 50th anniversary of the 1975 international meeting on recombinant DNA molecules, on February 23-26, 2025. A broad ...
Algae are the surprise guest in the European Commission’s deregulation proposal. How are these organisms used by the industry? In which countries are they produced? And above all, what genetic ...
Patents involving the use of nanos* in agriculture have multiplied over the last 20 years. However, there has been no improvement in the availability of information in this field. A recent report, ...
Mosquitoes carry pathogens that cause diseases such as malaria and dengue fever, and are therefore known as vector-borne diseases. As part of the fight against these mosquitoes, researchers at ...
En février 2025, deux tribunes opposées à la proposition de déréglementation d’OGM de la Commission européenne sont parues. Le 11 février 2025, plus de 200 organisations, parmi lesquelles des syndicat ...
In 2024, digital sequence information (DSI) derived from genetic resources was at the heart of international negotiations. Discussions focused mainly on the sharing of the benefits generated by the ...