Elections will be held in March 2025 to fill vacant positions on faculty committees and university bodies in the faculties of Business, Engineering, Humanities, Science . . .
Five new courses will give hundreds of undergraduate students an early introduction to research in the Faculty of Science. The pass/fail credit courses developed by . . .
Black History Month begins this weekend, and the McMaster community is gathering on Monday, Feb. 3, to start off a month-long slate of programming, events . . .
Jan. 30, new hoarding will be installed around the Lincoln Alexander Hall construction site. While installers work under the covered sidewalk, pedestrians might . . .
Join us for a McMaster World Congress (MWC) that promises to be unlike any other! MWC is a two-day conference held on February 6th and 7th, 2025 on the third floor of the Student Centre in CIBC Hall.