Elections will be held in March 2025 to fill vacant positions on faculty committees and university bodies in the faculties of Business, Engineering, Humanities, Science . . .
Five new courses will give hundreds of undergraduate students an early introduction to research in the Faculty of Science. The pass/fail credit courses developed by . . .
When Ann Heesters applied to the philosophy PhD program at McMaster, eminent legal theorist Wil Waluchow called her himself to say she was accepted and . . .
Natasha Estey’s time as an anthropology student at McMaster profoundly influenced her life and the way she sees the world. From inspiring a solo trip . . .
Black History Month begins this weekend, and the McMaster community is gathering on Monday, Feb. 3, to start off a month-long slate of programming, events . . .
On the eve of his birthday, the McMaster graduate ripped open a box that had been shipped to him by FedEx. Inside was his graduation ring, which he’d lost in the ocean off the coast of Barbados 47 ...
Jan. 30, new hoarding will be installed around the Lincoln Alexander Hall construction site. While installers work under the covered sidewalk, pedestrians might . . .